It has been a long, long winter and I didn't think Spring would ever get here, however, when I stop to think about the short time between the Fall sale and the Spring sale, it just doesn't seem that long.....guess it was just all the cold weather on these old bones!
The sale is going to have a new look this year.
We have completed more landscaping making it for a nicer event. There will no longer be dealers in the center of the lot as it was just too congested for me and for our shoppers as well. Last spring we had over 30 dealers, however,
this year I am taking it back down to just 15 and by invitation only.
That way I can hopefully bring you only the best and give you the shopping experience you look forward to.
I am concentrating on having the sale "better" not "bigger".
Look for your e-vites soon and save the date.....
May 15th, 8:00am until 4:00pm......